Shall a faultfinder contend with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him answer it. --God, Job 40:2
I wanted to write in order to talk about God. I wanted to have my thoughts "out there" to be shared and to encourage the masses. I wanted to have brilliant thoughts for God and about God. My progression of thought went something like this: "Here I am at home with my child and my dogs. Shut out from the world. How can I reach out? How can I speak the truth in love to others that they may know Him, repent and be saved? I'll blog. I'll send these little thoughts into cyberspace and trust God for the outcome." Well guess what? The more I try to sit here and tell you what's on my mind, the more I realize that apart from Him I can do nothing, I am nothing and have no purpose. BUT in Him I have everything. Abiding in Him gives reason for existing and breathing and cooking and cleaning and sleeping and eating and singing. In Him I live and move and have my being. In this life I will do nothing for God apart from His grace to do what He commands. He gives me work. He gives me hope. He gives me a reason. The truth proclaims that I live and die for His glory.
Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loose the cords of Orion? The answer is absolutely, "Nope." But after I answer such an obviously rhetorical question, I am humbled, I am bowed low. I am in awe of the Almighty. I am not consumed by His wrath, but am filled with worship and adoration for the King of Kings. My heart is let out of its confines of self absorption and self concern and I begin to get a glimpse of the Holy One Who Was And Is And Is To Come! I am so grateful for glimpses of splendor of glory. Of the Almighty.
Oh friends, it isn't about you or your purpose or your lifetime achievement or legacy. It's not about you in any way shape or form. What is man that you are mindful of him? No. It is all for Him, by Him and through Him. God is and He is the reason. And here is the kicker, He loves me and includes me in His purposes, His glory and His joy! All of this splendor is accomplished in the death, burial and resurrection of my LORD Jesus Christ. Does He know you?http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=8a3c63311140c08a2849