I am currently reading
Elyse Fitzpatrick's book
Because He Loves Me:
How Christ
Transforms Our Daily Life.
(http://www.monergismbooks.com/Because-He-Loves-Me-How-Christ-Transforms-Our-Daily-Life-p-17839.html )
I read it this week but I'm ready to read it again and go through the questions. The eleventh chapter is Gospel-centered Relationships. In just a few short pages she is able to summarize my thoughts completely on the state of the local church and how I fit or don't fit in. We need community. To quote her oh-so-right thought, The idolatry of privacy and individualism is one of the greatest detriments to sanctification in the church today. The closest I've come to "real church" has been in the last 2 years as one of the older ladies of my church has come into my home and discipled me on a regular basis. It all started because I was in the middle of the deepest darkest place I had ever been and she came to hold up a torch! There are no walls there. She knows full well that I am a sinner and I know that she is as well, but the glorious thing is, we've been sought out and forgiven by the King of Kings!!! He says, take heart my daughters, you are forgiven. Glorious!!! Thank you God!
As I went through such a dark time of depression, I could not get out of that place on my own. We can't be private about our deepest needs. Sharing all of this with someone who loves God and loves her neighbor as herself, was the only way to find the path leading out. James 5:16 states, Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. We need each other. It is possible to go to a church building, sit in a crowd of people, sing, pray and listen to a sermon and leave unchanged, unfeeling and just as alone as when we walked in the door.
I need people. I need friends to share accountability. As Christians, we belong to each other. In the middle of washing dishes, changing diapers, watching the same episodes of Kipper day after day and being forced to use hand puppets to get my toddler to eat, I need the Gospel. I also need to hear how His truth is transforming other lives as well. Enough for now. Just some thoughts.
As I went through such a dark time of depression, I could not get out of that place on my own. We can't be private about our deepest needs. Sharing all of this with someone who loves God and loves her neighbor as herself, was the only way to find the path leading out. James 5:16 states, Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. We need each other. It is possible to go to a church building, sit in a crowd of people, sing, pray and listen to a sermon and leave unchanged, unfeeling and just as alone as when we walked in the door.
I need people. I need friends to share accountability. As Christians, we belong to each other. In the middle of washing dishes, changing diapers, watching the same episodes of Kipper day after day and being forced to use hand puppets to get my toddler to eat, I need the Gospel. I also need to hear how His truth is transforming other lives as well. Enough for now. Just some thoughts.
Amber - I am glad you have decided to start a blog. The LORD speaks the truth through you so beautifully and I am always encouraged, inspired and/or convicted!
I love this song and the words fit perfectly with what you are saying...
"Well I need you, You need me, Cuz that’s the way it’s meant to be, I need you, We need each other ." - Sanctus Real
Welcome to the blog world! Your words are always a blessing.
Amen sister! Oh my, you mean you're not perfect? Blessed are they who are aware of their own darkness and know that only His grace can conquer and His power can teach. Their heart overflow w/joy because they stand before the Almighty, Holy God of the Universe clothed in His perfection...every moment of every day. Hallelujah girlfriend.
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