Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in His commandments!...He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD. Psalm 112:1,7 I want a firm heart. I want to fear God and nothing else. I want to trust Him with my very life. Paul tells us that for the believer, Christ is our life. It is not mine. Christ has absolute right and ownership. I don't want to waste my life worrying and being fearful of the world and its evil. I tend to be afraid when I focus on myself and what I think may or may not happen to me. Hence, I become the center of my universe and the steady spiral of idolatry ensues. This is wasting life. I have no life to waste if Scripture is true and I believe that it is. I am to submit myself each day under the Sovereign hand of God and seek His order for that day. This is to be true no matter what the headlines read.
I am not a good god. I control nothing. I know very little and I am unable to add a single second to my life by trying to be god. When sudden fear grips me, this is why it does; I have misplaced my worship. The LORD, He is God. "Stand up Amber. Look at your God. Who are you to be afraid when I, I AM He who comforts you. I am God. I am Sovereign over absolutely everything and everyone everywhere. Stop looking at yourself. Get rid of your mirror and look at Christ." This is the kind of thing that I hear from God when I stop in the middle of my storm tossed thoughts and get still before Him. There is no chaos in God. In Him is complete order and truth and light. When I fear Him and Him alone, I will fear nothing else and I will not waste my life.