Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?--Jesus, Matt. 6:28-30. I've never worried about clothing. I've never worried about food. But I have worried about other needs that I really do believe are needs. Is God going to meet those needs? We do work, we toil, but some things look iffy. God creates beautiful flowers. There are flowers on hillsides that people may never see, but they are there. They are there because He put them there. Lilies do nothing to earn they're beautiful garments. They serve the purpose that God gave them. He takes care of them in their alotted season. We work. We toil, but sometimes we cannot take care of the need. "God, we are in need. Please help us." "Can you hear me God?" I've asked God these questions this week. I pray and I go right back to this verse. "...
your heavenly Father first the kingdom of God and His righteousness..." Matt. 6:32b-33a I've tried to think of a million ways in my own strength to take care of the need and every time I come to this: He knows. I am to seek His righteousness, not my own. My righteousness won't get me anything. His righteousness will meet my most desperate need and indeed has met that need, my salvation.
I don't know what God may allow us to endure, but He does. If it honors Him, if it brings Him glory, if it serves His purpose then that is enough. Today I am clothed, fed and sheltered. My racing thoughts of tomorrow and the "what ifs" must be brought under submission to my Sovereign LORD. My God. My good God. My Jesus who loves me and cares for His own. It is not a terrible thing to be brought to complete dependence. It is the place that life in Him begins and remains.
1 comment:
A good reminder... I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to learn this lesson over and over and over...
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