Follow this thought with me.

God made me a Christian, I was not to rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
The power of God is found in His word. The ultimate expression of His Word is Jesus Christ. If I have really seen Him and looked at Him and know Him as He is made known to me through the Scriptures, then I know God. My faith in the Living God came from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. All the promises of God throughout all of Scripture find their YES in Him. Therefore, when I read His word, I am hearing from Him, I am seeing His heart, I am given all that I can handle of His wisdom and His mind. His word will stand forever. He alone gives salvation by His grace and for His glory. All of this amazing, life changing, earth shattering truth comes together on the cross and through the resurrection. He has backed up every single word with the cross and the resurrection. When Immanuel prayed for me before taking the Wrath of God in my place, He prayed that I would be sanctified in the truth. His word is TRUTH. I wasn't near death in my sins when Christ made me alive. I was DEAD in my sins. Christ, by His grace and for His glory made my ALIVE. When I hold my Bible in my hands, when I read the words printed there, I am as close to Him here on this earth as I can possibly be. When I read His words and ask Him to teach me His truth, He will. He does.
As I consider His word and His grace and His power I think of those who were completely
satisfied in Christ because they knew what they had in Christ. I think of Tyndale who risked his life to translate the Bible into common language so the common
plow boy could understand it. I think of the
Ten Boom sisters who risked their lives to carry a new testament into the gates of hell so that they could share the Light in the great darkness to which they were led. I think of the nameless Vietnamese soldier who asked for
latrine duty so that he could find and save the pages of the book of Romans that his Captain was using for toilet paper because he was holding on to hope. I think of Gladys
Aylward who was overwhelmed that the God of Nehemiah was also her God, and the if Nehemiah could rely on the word of God for life, so then could she. I also think of the hundreds of Chinese Christians who have met in secret together to hear the word of God read so that they could then memorize it because they were not permitted to have a Bible. This cloud of witnesses knows what they have in Christ and in His word.
Jesus said that knowing the truth is what sets me free. He is the way, the TRUTH and the life and I will not come to the Father by any other means. There is no other truth. There aren't two truths or extra truths. He is truth. His truth has been life to so many like these I mentioned. They weren't looking for comfort in this life. They weren't asking for new cars or a good day on wall street. They clung to Him for life, whether that meant here or in Heaven. God said His grace is sufficient for me. He didn't say that about anything else. Only His grace. Therefore the most loving and saving thing He can do for me is to always keep His truth before me whatever that takes. If by my life and circumstances, He shows me my complete dependence and need for Him and His grace, then I have been blessed beyond measure. If He is constantly showing me that my treasure is in Heaven, then I will have no ties that bind me here. If I am not
satisfied in a Savior who took the wrath of God in my place and has made me His heir, then I am to be most
pitied and most likely to be in the misery of discontent all of my days constantly looking for that little extra something that will make it all better. I have the Spirit of the Living God dwelling in me! I have eternal life! I have
forgiveness of sin! I have the very word of God to hold and to read. May I do so daily with a thankful heart and with the great expectation that He will speak to me on every page until I see the living Word face to face!