Two year olds are the center of their universe. They want what they want, when they want it and have no shame in letting everyone know it. When you add to this sickness or discomfort a two year old can be impossible to please. I have found that when I am trying to please a two year old, I am also keenly aware that I am not happy because I'm not getting or doing what I want and ultimately I want what I want. Hence, the two year old and the 37 year old act very much alike.
I am a lousy excuse for a god. I can do nothing on my own. I have no power to add a single second to my life or accomplish anything worthwhile when it's all said and done. I have no control. This is painfully obvious to me now, but yet I still struggle with self worship. What does all of this mean? Worshiping God alone and thinking on Him and His attributes allows me to escape the "woe is me" trap and the "I deserve a break" mentality. If I get real honest about what I deserve, I get very uncomfortable and ashamed. Every good gift is from above. What do I have that I did not receive? Nothing. The Christian life would be easy if I did not allow myself to compete for the worship due Him alone. I exist only for His glory. I do not exist for my own means and end. Every single breath of every single day is His to give or take and I have no control over that. My pity parties are pathetic and my selfishness is loathsome.
See the picture on this entry. Does she look like something to be worshipped? Does she look sovereign or holy? She is a sad object of worship. Worshiping her will not make me happy and will get me absolutely nowhere. O most Holy God, may I die to self that I may worship You and know the joy that comes only from being in Your presence. Little children, keep yourselves from idols.
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